Why wait until the New Year to set your health and wellness goals or to start making smarter choices? There is no better time than the present to take even the smallest step towards a healthier direction.
Setting S.M.A.R.T. goals help to not only keep you moving forward, but also focus on your progression and destination.
S = Specific. The goal should outline in detail what you are working towards. For example: “I want to lose ten pounds” rather than “I want to lose weight.”
M = Measurable. Choose a goal that can be measured with progress. For example: “I want to lose six inches off my waist in the next six months.” This allows for measurements throughout the six months to ensure that you are on track or if changes to the plan need to be considered.
A = Attainable. Goals should be set high enough to challenge you, but with the knowledge and belief that it can be reached.
R = Realistic. This does not mean it should be easy. A plan needs to be set up that will offer realistic options to attain the goals. For instance: Walking 10,000 steps throughout day may be more realistic than walking five miles all at once on a treadmill if you do not have more than an hour to devote to fitness within your day.
T = Timely. There has to be a time frame for a goal or else the commitment level may decrease. “I want to lose ten pounds by April 15, 2010” is a specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely goal.
Write down your goals, share them with someone for accountability, mark your calendar to periodically measure your progress, and adjust the plan accordingly. Getting focused before the holiday hustle begins will strengthen your resolve when making choices at family/holiday meal times, planning for meals/smart snacks on the go instead of grabbing fast food while shopping and deciding to park farther and walk rather than hunt for a close parking spot. All of the little things we can do now have the potential of adding up to a big head start on the New Year. Remember--as long as you keep moving, you'll keep moving in the right direction!
"It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not." ~James Gordon