Happy Thanksgiving! And welcome to the "Season of Eating!"
I have included a link to a practical and helpful website: http://www.active.com/. There are great tips for being aware of what and how much you eat. The site also has wonderful articles on exercise, training, starting out, stretching, nutrition, etc.
Active.com: 10 Tips to Control Your Weight This Holiday Season
What I've always told my clients that I hope helped during the holidays (try one or two out and see if they help):
* Use a smaller plate to eat from and pretend you don't want your food to touch (you take less).
* Eat a salad or have some broth-based soup prior to the main course to create more fullness to avoid overeating. If there is no salad/soup, drink sips of water between every 2-3 bites, putting your fork down each time.
* Allow yourself a taste of everything--but instead of heaping portions served with a huge serving spoon, use a tablespoon to serve and only take two tablespoons of the sides.
* Take small forkfuls and chew slowly--truly savor the flavors.
* Make sure you eat breakfast and lunch so that you can help stave off the urge to binge.
* Enjoy dessert but see if you can split it with someone.
* If you are imbibing, try to drink water between each alcoholic beverage or create mixed drinks such as seltzer and wine to create a spritzer while cutting calories and increasing hydration.
* Offer to help set up and/or clean up--moving will help to burn some calories while helping the host
Taking a holiday morning walk will help focus your awareness for the day--include family and friends on the walk if possible. Being active the day after Thanksgiving also helps burn off what we took in the prior day/night. Shopping burns calories, but remember to pack a snack like an apple, baggie of pretzels, granola, for example, in order to keep your blood sugar even and keep the temptations for high fat and high sugar treats at the food courts and checkout lines at bay.
Be self-aware, savor the flavor and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!